# Front-end

The front-end is basically done in vue (opens new window), and a wonderful framework called Quasar (opens new window) is used.

# Setup

First clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/ta-vivo/ta-vivo

Now install all the dependencies


Now you need the environmente file, make a copy of the .env.example file

cp .env.example .env

Check the Environment variables before running the project to set the correct values.

Now you can run the app

Note: Make a sure you have the Quasar CLI installed, if not, run yarn global add @quasar/cli https://quasar.dev/start/quasar-cli/ (opens new window)

quasar dev

# Environment variables

# Required

API: The application API URL

CUSTOM_APP_NAME: The name render in the page title or page content like terms and conditions etc.

To get supabase URL and key, you need to create a supabase account and create a new project. Then you can get the URL and key from the project settings. https://supabase.com/docs/guides/with-vue-3#get-the-api-keys (opens new window)

SUPABASE_PROJECT_URL: The supabase project url SUPABASE_ANON_PUBLIC_KEY: The supabase anon public key

# Non-required

VUE_APP_URL: This value is a URL to use in legal page like terms and conditions, policy privacy.

VUE_APP_CONTACT_EMAIL: The email to show in legal pages.

PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID: This is unique to each instance, for example, if you like to self-host and put it as a service you need to create a PayPal business account and get your own PayPal client id.

# Authentication with social networks

All the documentation is on the official Supabase page, https://supabase.com/docs/guides/auth (opens new window)

At this moment, only the list below is supported.